Opening hours and how to contact us

We offer our various formats of writing support both online and face-to-face. We can support you as you write scientific and other texts – from freshmen students to doctoral candidates. Members of TU Darmstadt can use our services for free!

Our offer at a glance

Writing consultations on-site

Writing consultations are also available face-to-face in our offices. Find out more here .

Online writing consultation

You can book an appointment for a writing consultation outside of our regular office hours.

During our open consultation hours, which we conduct via Skype, you can get a writing consultation without registration or an appointment. More information .

Writing workshops

In the summer semester 2022, we will offer our short writing workshops both in an online format and face-to-face. Please check in our program which workshops we are currently offering and how to find the relevant material in our moodle class.

Further education online (in German only)

Werden Sie selbst Schreibberater*in! Informieren Sie sich über unsere zertifizierte Weiterbildung “Schreibberatung und Schreibtraining”, Termine und Anmeldung.

Resources in the Online Writing Lab

In our Online Writing Lab (OWL), we are providing numerous writing tutorials (mostly in German) and writing techniques (in both German and English) to you.

at the Language Resource Center
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Hochschulstr. 1 (S1|03 52 b/c)
64289 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 6151 16-21147

SchreibCenter on social media:


  • Instagram: schreibcentertudarmstadt