Projects and topics at SchreibCenter

Reflection and resonance through writing

„Wir schreiben, um uns selbst zu stärken.“ – “We write to empower ourselves.”

This quote from poetry therapist and biography researcher Dr. Birgit Schreiber sum s up the fact that writing can be a healing force and an empowering resource. Writing can promote (self-)reflection as well as emotional and social resonance, i.e. relationsips and interactions between the self and the world. Language as a medium for internal processes and external communication is a powerful tool for health and self-efficacy.


There are numerous studies on the effects of writing on health (cf. e.g. Heimes 2012; Petzold/Orth 2015). Autobiographical creative writing in particular can act as a coping strategy and promote self-efficacy, stress tolerance and self-protection. Autobiographical writers give meaning and expression to their own live through their writing. In autobiographical genres, the aim is to use writing to better understand oneself (cf. Bräuer 2021, 100), for example by using writing-as-thinking (cf. Scheuermann 2012)to handle one's own relationship to the world, to other people, to personal values and visions. This is a healing effect in terms of health, reflection processes, finding meaning or “Gefühlstransformation[en]” (emotional transformations; von Werder et al. 2011, 8). Writing thus becomes more and more a medium and tool for critical thinking and reflecitve learning, reflection and resonance.

What we offer:

At SchreibCenter, we develop various formats that enable people to experience and appreciate writing in this way. We have thus added an important dimension to our portfolio. The forms, methods and genre we work with and whose effectiveness is well documented include poetry, prose, collages, metaphors as well as analogies, visualizations, text-image combinations, associative writing, condensation, journaling techniques, lettering and much more.

Writer's workshop for women* “I'm (good) enough”!

In the winter semester of 2024/25, we are starting a writer's workshop where people can use autobiographical writing as a coping strategy and strengthen their stress tolerance and self-protection. The writing group (for women* only at the moment) will meet regularly and in a safe and confidential space. Further information will be posted soon.

Nighttime Letter Writing

On November 15, 2024, we will be part of the event Nighttime Letter Writing. We will focus on the notion of 'belonging' in the context of mental health and offer participants a relaxed space to explore letter writing as a tool for personal well-being. Participants are welcome to write in their preferred language.

Walk & Write in 2025

Next year, we are planning to offer “Walk & Write”, a walk where we combine movement, creativity and mindful perception with writing. Further information will be posted at a later date.

Impressions from past activities

Writing Experiment: Green Writing

SchreibCenter participated in Tag der Nachhaltigkeit an der TU Darmstadt (Sustainability Day) on October 31, 2024. We had a booth at the market place and offered multilingual and co-creative writing activities – all in support of this year's theme “Common Ground – Communication for a sustainable future”.

Here are some of the postcards that were created at the event:

Multimediale Wunschwerkstatt „Reise ins Ich“

On October 26, 2024, we arranged “Reise ins Ich – Traveling to your Self” in cooperation with the exhibition „MILLI BAU 5000 km bis Paris“ at Kunstforum. By mixing writing and collage, participants could find a creative expression for their inner voices, wishes and longings. Guided by writing prompts, they took a trip into their inner selves, finding surprising and new aspects on the way.

„We started on the outside and then by way of writing and collage, took a trip towards our inner lives. I'm looking forward to realizing some of the ideas I had on that trip.“ (Nina)

„Wonderful! Being creative is always fun!“ (Diana)

„It was a great joy to try out a new method for giving form to what's going on inside yourself.“ (Lena)

Project Leader

I am a trained writing tutor and coach, health coach as well as poetry therapist-in-training. I have extensive experience at teaching literary and writing studies at university level, in leadership roles, and in giving writing workshops for students, doctoral candidates and teaching staff. In addition, I am interested in research on writing and writing therapy. On a volunteer basis, I manage Schreibheimat, a space for writing as a healing power.

These are the foundations of my professional expertise on reflection and resonance through writing. I am not a trained therapist and would like to clearly state that none of my offerings are a substitute for therapy or medical advice.

Dr.ʼin Vanessa Geuen

Head of SchreibCenter, writing tutor & coach


work +49 6151 16-21164

Selected references

Behrendt, Renata; David Kreitz (Hg.) (2021): Autobiografisches Schreiben in Bildungskontexten. Konzepte und Methoden. wbv: Bielefeld.

Bräuer, Gerd (2021): Schreibend sich als Schreibende Person besser verstehen lernen: anderen Schreibenden besser helfen können. In: Behrendt, Renata; David Kreitz (Hg.): Autobiografisches Schreiben in Bildungskontexten. Konzepte und Methoden. wbv: Bielefeld, S. 99-117.

Heimes, Silke (2012): Warum Schreiben hilft. Die Wirksamkeitsnachweise zur Poesietherapie. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: Göttingen.

Petzold, Hilarion; Ilse Orth (Hg.) (2015): Poesie und Therapie. Über die Heilkraft der Sprache. Poesietherapie, Bibliotherapie, Literarische Werkstätten. Aisthesis Verlag: Bielefeld.

Scheuermann, Ulrike (2012): Schreibdenken. Schreiben als Denk- und Lernwerkzeug nutzen und vermitteln. Verlag Barbara Budrich: Opladen & Toronto.

Von Werder, Lutz; Barbara Schulte-Steinicke, Brigitte Schulte (2011): Die heilende Kraft des Schreibens. Patmos Verlag: Ostfildern.